Shine With Us Today

Become a sponsor

Businesses and organizations profoundly influence our SHINE community as we seek each year to reach our goals. No matter if you sponsor our VIP SUPERGirls Membership Program or one of our School-based Programs or an event, the outcomes are the same. More girls and women of color are exposed and given access to STEM, Innovation & Leadership initiatives.

Here is why… 

  • For every SUPERGirl mentored, 5 additional girls through influence, engagement, and community are IMPACTed 
  • On average, 175 to 200 girls each year experience STEM industry-led hands-on experiences 
  • When reached in the 5th – 8th grades, more than 86% of those move into high school with a STEM emphasized high school track 
  • School partners see a decrease in disciplinary infractions, increase in school attendance, greater parent involvement and an increase in interest in STEM courses and activities 
  • More than 98% of girls graduate from high school 
  • An upwards of 87% pursue STEM degrees in college 


Your giving changes the communities we live and work in now!

Sponsor a SUPERGirl

  • 25 Membership-based Yearlong Program
  • Individual SUPERLady SUPERGirl Mentorship
  • Monthly Empowerment & Equity Skills building Sessions
  • Exclusive STEM networking and leadHERship symposiums
  • Career target experiences
  • Eligible for Summer Internships, Camps and Board of Directors leadership team
  • INVESTMENT – $1500/SUPERGirl

Sponsor a School Program

  • What is your legacy? Make an IMPACT at your alma mater or in your neighborhood.
  • SHINE Club – 5th grade
  • leadHERship SHINE Academy – 6th & 8th grade
  • SUPERGirls in STEM Signing Day – 8th grade
  • SHINE Academy – 9th – 12th grade
  • Project-based Internship – rising 11th and 12th graders

Sponsor an Event

Your company provides funding for a specific event where your investment yields branding, exposure, and most importantly, funding for ongoing SGSF’s operations and programming in STEM, innovation, and leadership initiatives. Sponsorship levels vary

Sponsor Scholarships

Champion a SUPERGirl as she pursues college as her next step. Levels are $1500, $1000 and $750

Sponsor an Industry Day

Host a group of SUPERGirls on your campus/office sharing the day in the life of an industry leader. Could include

  • Hands-on STEM activity
  • Campus/dept tour
  • Lab/Simulation experiment
  • Lunch and a department leadership meeting