2020 SUPERLady Circle

- Kathy Flanagan Payton - CEO - 5th Ward CRC, www.fithwardcrc.org
- Gabrielle "Gaby" Rowe - Executive Director, Ion Houston, www.IonHouston.com
- Luly Castillo, Global Technical Marketing Manager, Halliburton, www.Halliburton.com
- Toni Crawford, PE - Senior Engineering Standards Manager, Enterprise Products, www.EnterpriseProducts.com
- Paula McCann Harris, Director of Global Stewardship, Schlumberger, www.slb.com
- Community Partner - Code Park Houston, www.CodeParkHouston.org
- JoyLynn Faith Keeton, 2020 SUPERGirl, Robert E. Turner High School
- The Honorable Tonya De'Shea Jones, Judge, County Criminal Court at Law NO. 15, Criminal Courts of Law
- Education Partner, South Early College High School, www.HoustonISD.org/SECHS