SHINE with us Today!

Statement of Partnerships

SUPERGirls SHINE Foundation is committed to the principles of diversity, integrity, civility, and respect in all of our activities, programs, and meetings. We look to you to be a partner in this commitment by helping us to maintain a professional and cordial environment via verbal and oral communications including emails, social media posts, text messages. etc.

All forms of discrimination, harassment, and bullying are prohibited in any SGSF activity, program, event, or school. This commitment applies to all participants in all settings and locations in which SGSF works and activities are conducted, including committee/task force meetings, workshops, conferences, and other work and social functions where employees, volunteers, sponsors, vendors, interns, SUPERGirls, parents or guests are present.

All partnerships are at will and at any time can be dismissed when found not in the best interest of our community, mission, and purpose.

If you would like to enrich SGSF events, you can do so through monetary gifts and volunteering. To learn how contact our team today.

Contact SGSF