SGSF’s DELTA Day @The Ion
Calling All Ladies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. to DELTA Day @The Ion for networking, information, education and ways to get plugged into Houston’s Technology Ecosystem!
Check-in Time: 9:20 am for Ion Tour!
Invite a Soror. Bring a Soror! RSVP HERE!
About Your Host: SUPERGirls SHINE Foundation (SGSF) is the premiere 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization committed to providing exposure plus access with tangible opportunities for women and girls, 10-17 and collegiates, in underserved and underrepresented communities in STEM, Innovation and Leadership initiatives.
Visitor Parking Instructions:
- Enter 4200 Fannin Street into your GPS for directions directly to the visitor parking lot, located in front of The Ion building.
Overflow Parking Instructions:
- Enter 4203 Fannin Street into your GPS for directions directly to this parking lot, located across the street from The Ion building.