Summer SHINE Explosion
Join Us for SGSF’s Summer SHINE Explosion, Monday, July 12, 2021.
According to Forbes, there are less than 28% of the working population of women in STEM, Blacks & Hispanics are among the lowest population and the least to be paid. Together we’ll bring awareness and raise funds to closing gaps for more women and girls in STEM, Innovation and leadHERship roles.
Our Goal: 100K
With your support, donations and sponsorships, 50 girls and 20 rising young leadHERs will have a year of hands-on STEM activities, gain industry mentors, have access to industry decision-makers, develop marketable skills and be positioned for early project-based internships using their critical thinking and problem-solving skills and qualify for scholarships too.
$90/month gives SUPERGirls access to reaching their goals.
Can we count on you? Click HERE to Attend and Give.